
Cryptic Rite Royal & Select Grand Council Aprons with Fringe

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Cryptic Rite Council Royal  Officers Apron with Gold Fringe

Please indicate what office you require also with Circle or Wreath

Size 17  x17 x 17 inches

Bib  10 x 10 x 10


adjustable belt

Please choose office require plus  Triangle style,  broken for Western Canada and Ontario, solid for Eastern Canada

Officers Emblems

Grand Inspector General                                     A Trowel  pointing downwards  ,between  a pair of compasses extended to 45 degrees

Illustrious Deputy Master                                  A Square, angle downwards united with a level in pale

Illustrious Principal Conductor of the Work      A Square, angle downwards united with a plumb rule in pale

Chaplain                                                            The Volume of the Sacred Law open

Treasurer                                                         Keys in saltire, wards downwards.

Recorder                                                          Quills in saltire penned downwards

Captain of the Guard                                        Battle Axe blade upwards, edge to the dexter and Sword point downwards.

Conductor of the Council                                 Swords in saltire, points upward

Marshal                                                           Batons in saltire

Organist                                                          Lyre

Steward                                                          Sword and Trowel points upwards

Sentinel                                                           Sword Point Upwards

Please allow 6 to 8 weeks approximately for manufacturing and shipping